Sunday, October 12, 2008

Seshadri, 68, Bangalore

The following are my experiences V-Set Care & Share action points so far during last five days.
Point 28.:
Listening carefully and enthusiastically to the viewpoints of others was specifically tried out with good success on the 8th during a visit of a dear friend whose views normally I disagreed with. The effort was not too difficult when discussion was around routine aspects. We could share a lot of pleasant moments. Only when we touched on higher level assessments about saints I had to restrain myself from disagreeing. Even this was done by simply smiling off in a kind of agree to disagree mode. Altogether a pleasant day was spent catching back on old friendship ignoring issues of disagreements or soft-pedaling them.
Point 23 :
Making it a point to speak only the truth and facts in a straight forward manner could be done somewhat easily as it has been my second nature all along without caring unduly about incurring the displeasure of people affected. However doing it without showing any airs of superiority and genuinely remembering not to undermine others inadvertently was attempted while interacting on 8th with reasonable success. This needs to be pursued other days also and in a sustained manner.
Point 22:
Avoiding consciously wastages of power and water is being attempted.For instance using mugs of water for washing face and brushing the teeth instead of using the tap really helped to reduce water consumtion.Similarly using only stored water for washing clothes instead of washing direcly under the tap is being attempted. I find that water can be saved and the saving is double if we can store some of the water after rinsing clothes for flushing and washing of feet required periodically after using the toilet.
Pont 15;
Having unscheduled chats with neighbors when needed is being done as a routine. During the period from the 8th attempt is being done at establishing a pleasant contact with unknown people was attempted. While standing in a queue at the ATM we were tending to curse the unserveceabilty of one of two machines. Instead of railing at the bank staff a comment from me stating it was an opportunity to buid our patience and tolerance said with a friendly smile by me got immediate friendly nods from a couple of people on the queue.Similarly while traveling in an elevator with unknown people enquiring of other issues of common interests got them smile in a warm manner.In addition smiling to people you meet often agaist point 17 is also producing good responses.

The main thing is that all these attempted gave a sense of happiness and contentment.Very encouraging indeed.